Our Story

The story behind the beginning of The Amaanat, is a mother's dream getting fulfilled by her daughters. In simple terms, The Amaanat is the possession given by a proud mother to her two wonderful daughters to change the society as it is rightly said 'Empowered women, empower women'!

What made our dream come to an immediate action, was the current pandemic that has hit hard on all of us and one sector which has been aggressively affected are the poor, the daily wage earners and the domestic house helps. One day during the pandemic when our domestic help, Seema gave us a call and explained her situation that it's been more than three months and she and her husband are not working and all their savings have been used up. And it was now getting difficult for her to feed her family of four little kids. Even though she comes from a humble background, she was very ashamed and guilty to borrow money again and again.

We immediately wanted to help them so that they are able to earn their living. With this "The Amaanat" was born, with the aim of providing the platform to such women to work and provide for their families. We aim to start small by educating them, developing their skills and build a lifelong stability. Our initiative aims at extending a helping hand to all those in need by providing them a platform to work, earn and support our cause. Also, while digging and exploring the ways and methods to help such women we branched into many other things wherein wanted to work upon! With this we decided to start our own Trust with due diligence and honesty and that's how we decided that "The Amaanat" will serve the exploited, deprived and afflicted sections of the society.